
Showing posts from December, 2021

WEEK 3!! (First Email)

  So I have a little bit of catching up to do because I didn't send out emails the first two weeks. My first week I started at home on zoom and that was awesome and I never knew I could learn so much and feel the spirit so strongly through a screen! Only problem with the zoom was my computer couldn't handle it so nobody could ever understand me and it was always lagging. Last Wednesday my parents dropped me off at the airport and I was on my way to the Provo MTC! Elder West from my district was on the same flight as me which was pretty cool. When we arrived at the MTC my district was able to meet up for the first time in person and it was awesome finally getting to know them and find out how tall they really are. I room with my companion Elder Egan and the other companionship, Elder Rogers and Elder Smith. We started class that afternoon and have been rolling ever since. Thursday night we met with our Branch Presidency to get to know them and receive our assignments. I was assi